Title |
Δ |
selected Tab with elevation
0.00 |
Android the navigation toolbar icon and logo can not align
-0.09 |
onBackPressed add double tap exit with navigation drawer?
-4.13 |
How to parse json array of objects with retrofit which has differen...
-0.03 |
Send data to server as json format using android Volley
-2.26 |
Android layout getting wrapped when keyboard appears
0.00 |
Sending byte[] or URL for Image
-0.16 |
How to add FooterView for RecyclerView
+3.88 |
Is there any way to view pdf below lollipop android?
+3.77 |
Email validation only if field is non empty
-0.11 |
ListView Bitmap [Resolved]
-0.10 |
Corrupted or missing vector drawables after running Proguard
-0.09 |
Add app link in existing contact profile android
0.00 |
Smooth scroll and Fling with NestedScrollView,AppBarLayout and Coor...
0.00 |
Creating an adapter for listview without passing an array initially
0.00 |
How to make the background of an activity translucent?
-4.07 |
How can i store data in sharedpreferences for 23 hour in android?
+3.85 |
How can I pass Strings from doInBackground to onPostExecute
-1.15 |
Getting exception on android 4.2 but works fine on android 5.0
-0.10 |
Android SQLiteDatabaseLockedException with ormlite
0.00 |
Layout_weight does not work properly
-0.12 |
How can I set the width and colour of all the borders of EditText?
-3.32 |
Not able to display contact numbers using ContactsContract.Contact....
+3.52 |
How to Show Icon with Menus in android
-2.20 |
How to debug the Android App in release mode using Android studio
-2.73 |
Semi Circle Pie Chart in Android Application
-0.39 |
Initalize an EditText in a Fragment
-1.07 |
Android build variant for different config
-0.16 |
select image from gallery not working in Fragment Class in Android
-0.30 |
Rolling out update of SDK OTA
+3.69 |
Error inflating TextInputLayout when used with ViewPager
-0.13 |
Sharing photo using facebook sdk 4.2.0
0.00 |
setColorFilter() broken on Android 4, working on Android 5
0.00 |
How can I utilize Yahoo Weather API in android
-0.64 |
Read imageView Width and Height inside adapter at run time
0.00 |
App is crashing on back pressed when use map inside fragment in and...
+3.92 |
App is crashing on back pressed when use map inside fragment in and...
-2.08 |
unistall android application programmatically
+3.88 |
Clear preference item values
0.00 |
Inserting a Bitmap on another Bitmap on certain position
-0.31 |
Android App with Broadcast receiver after reboot as main
+3.82 |
How to do 2nd Spinner get selected , based on my 1st Spinner select...
0.00 |
How to Save data and pass data between activities
+2.24 |
Bitmap decodeResource - out-of-memory crash on Samsung S5
+1.91 |
Dynamic GridView as array
0.00 |
Launcher Activity not launched from recent Apps
+3.96 |
Reduce custom button size
+0.04 |
Android text inside LinearLayout under ScrollView horizontally not...
-2.58 |
listView item click event not firing
+4.09 |
Simple List View Crashes app
-3.45 |