Title |
Δ |
How to define a Flow virtual layout which vertically stacks and hor...
0.00 |
Android ConstraintLayout TextView does not wrap in chain_style pack...
0.00 |
Inexplicable white/blank space in Android app, not showing in layou...
0.00 |
ConstraintLayout - Aligning two views to center vertically against...
+0.40 |
Cannot place view to the middle of the CardView ConstraintLayout as...
-1.23 |
android constraintlayout, ellipse does not work as expected
-0.59 |
android constraintlayout, how to left align a textview but it shoul...
0.00 |
Android constraint textview adjacent/tail to another textview break...
+1.64 |
Make alignments with different views so that they are center aligne...
0.00 |
Constraint Layout height takes available space
-0.63 |
ConstraintLayout View with 0dp height has a different actual height...
0.00 |
Can not adjust group of items as the text changes and respect margins
0.00 |
Align a set of views to the right of the largest view of those appe...
0.00 |
There is a still space when I use spread_inside in constraintlayout...
+1.63 |
How to place two views center horizontal in ConstraintLayout?
+1.65 |
TextView in ConstraintLayout causes parent to shrink
+0.93 |
Android Constraint layout, views with weight?
+1.69 |
Android sticky-footer: Align footer view to table, until it reaches...
-0.60 |
how to set constraint to different view if certain view visibility...
+2.11 |
Can the Android Flow virtual layout handle variable-width Views
0.00 |
Why doesn't the the TextInputLayout follow the width of parent...
+3.33 |
Android right aligned view restricted by view on the left
0.00 |
DialogFragment with fixed header, scrollable body and fixed footer
+3.36 |
How to place ImageView half overlapped on top boundary of Constrain...
0.00 |
How to set maxHeight over DimensionRatio with ConstraintLayout?
+3.40 |
How can you use tools in android layout to replace a merge item for...
0.00 |
Take all free space between elements in ConstraintLayout
+3.12 |
Stop views from overlapping in ConstraintLayout
+3.48 |
RecyclerView inside ConstraintLayout - Start position at top of par...
+3.62 |
How to support wrap_content and match_parent condition with 3 views...
-0.60 |
How to set a width in percent with maximum width in dp?
-0.52 |
ScrollView in ConstrainLayout scrolled wrong
0.00 |
Fill space and ellipsize text
0.00 |
Constraintlayout, view pushed outside bounds
+3.41 |
How to align in center of a space using constraint layout
+3.60 |
Chained view displaced in ConstraintLayout
0.00 |
Constraint Layout - Textview overlaps other views when it grows in...
+3.62 |
ConstraintLayout weighted chain won't budge
0.00 |
TextView going out of screen with constraintLayout
+3.70 |
Android layout - inside a chain, distribute some elements, but pack...
0.00 |
RecyclerView item ConstraintLayout messing up while using GridLayou...
-4.38 |
ConstraintLayout views at top left when added programatically
0.00 |
ConstraintLayout match parent height on larger screens but scroll o...
+3.57 |
ConstraintLayout Does Not Work Properly in a Bottom Sheet View
+3.67 |
Constrain to 50% from top of ImageView
-3.56 |
TextView background does not wrap content
+3.60 |
Android, ConstraintLayout: position views one after another while m...
+3.68 |
setup constraint in a ConstraintLayout properly while using Guideline
+1.86 |
How do I center a text inside a chain relative to the whole screen?
-1.65 |
How do I center a packed chain in a ConstraintLayout that contains...
0.00 |