Title |
Δ |
C code memory alignment issue on embedded system?
-1.92 |
memcpy() overflow? Every eighth byte has its same bit pulled down w...
0.00 |
How to read rotary encoder input
+3.78 |
UNALIGNED Usage Fault on LDR instruction-CortexM7
0.00 |
AVR C hex and dec multiplication not as expected
0.00 |
Really Minimal STM32 Application: linker failure
-1.20 |
Volatile usage, variable not read in main
-3.98 |
Largest set of different byte values unique when clearing bits
+4.07 |
Mutex captured by one thread and released by another CMSIS and Free...
+3.85 |
Minimum number of train station stops
+0.91 |
Portable ISR-safe data-passing
+0.19 |
embedded newlib-nano printf causes hardfault
0.00 |
What's the modern C++ way to cast absolute addresses to pointer...
-4.13 |
Debugging memory issues ARM7
-3.79 |
How to make Eclipse recognize the __far modifier?
0.00 |
Serial.read() skips over serial input
-4.33 |
Load png image for embedded system
0.00 |
Raw LWIP UDP Broadcast
+3.77 |
Mathematical conversion linear input curve to "logarithm-like&...
0.00 |
IAR Pre-Build batch file python call not working
0.00 |
Is it safe to share a volatile variable between the main program an...
+0.99 |
extra light data format for IoT
-0.17 |
Reading data from USB mouse into microcontroller
0.00 |
Packet framing for very short serial packets
-3.93 |
C migrating to C++ (embedded)
-0.30 |
Is the definition of "volatile" this volatile, or is GCC...
-3.43 |
Can I get the address of a singleton during compile or link time fr...
-0.08 |
Embedded division with negative numbers
+2.86 |
Write to at91sam7s256 flash internally
0.00 |
Convert Raw 14 bit Two's Complement to Signed 16 bit Integer
-4.31 |
Scanf with optional text
-4.60 |
Analyzing serial communication that may not be fully RS-232 complia...
+4.11 |
IP address management for embedded systems under development
+3.33 |
AT91sam7x 256: Interrupt just run once
-4.26 |
Embedded C++11 code — do I need volatile?
-5.06 |
Python2 & 3: embedded board, read USB data
+3.64 |
Is there a ready solution for embedded c to use external string res...
-1.40 |
uCOS-ii mutex vs critical section vs scheduler locking vs semaphore
-0.41 |
Establishing a serial communication between Android and ATMega16 mi...
0.00 |
8051: JMP instruction works in an unexpected way
0.00 |
The most elegant way to abstract away repeated, non-interatable calls
0.00 |
Minimum hardware specification to run SQLITE in an Embedded System/...
0.00 |
Is it possible to get 0 by subtracting two unequal floating point n...
+0.80 |
The I2C communication is not giving me a ACK bit
-1.13 |
Writing a struct to flash memory
+3.67 |
How to check if a file of given length can be created?
+5.87 |
Assign Text File Input to Array of Doubles
-0.69 |
Best logic to erase fewer bytes than sector size(minimum erasable s...
+3.76 |
The Maximum Value of Signed Integer Types
-2.74 |
In Python, get the argument passed to a function as a string within...
-0.31 |