Title |
Δ |
How to create a symmetrical data frame in R based on another symmet...
-0.09 |
How do I make an alias for a column name?
+1.63 |
Removing specific element from a list of vectors in R
-2.22 |
Implementing "at least" condition in a filter using R (dp...
+0.04 |
Selecting rows around a specific row in R
0.00 |
R: How do you run a function to get multiple columns?
0.00 |
R: Create a new column in a dataframe, using column name, condition...
+0.32 |
Verify that a sequence of dates are in the right order
+0.89 |
Creating a table with indicator functions for combinations
+1.52 |
Updating table in R programming, syntax
0.00 |
Get an array of values into a cell within a dataframe
+1.44 |
How to reclassify/replace values based on priority when there are r...
-0.06 |
Merge multiple data frames with partially matching rows
0.00 |
Replace values in set of columns based on condition
+1.88 |
How can I summarize this data with R?
+0.78 |
Calculate Ratio of multiple pairs of columns
+1.69 |
Randomly Sample from Every Row of Matrix
-1.37 |
Transpose every N rows to new column
-1.48 |
Get index of first TRUE element of each column of a matrix, but ind...
-1.41 |
Extract values based on last n characters
-0.76 |
subtotals per category over multiple columns
-0.16 |
Efficiently combine (AND) groups of columns in a logical matrix
-2.35 |
Building separated columns for each category from columns that cate...
-0.21 |
Multiple, flexible logical column comparison in Data.table
+2.02 |
Create Dynamic Text with new lines
0.00 |
purrr equivalent of lapply to return multi-element list?
0.00 |
Dynamic column calling and transformation in data table part by num...
0.00 |
Distribute a vector over a column in list of lists in R
0.00 |
Group data by factor level, then transform to data frame with colna...
+0.45 |
Subtraction to combine two R data.tables by matching rows
+1.29 |
Split column by multiple delimiters, keeping delimiters
+0.79 |
Generating a pairwise 'distance' matrix
+0.09 |
Finding the first non-zero year in data frame for multiple variable...
-1.98 |
combining strings from following ID with strings in current ID
+1.83 |
R: Transform dataframe column using dictionary/list?
+1.30 |
R: Match Data Frame Elements with Vector Elements
+0.50 |
data.table shift right all cell values by number of na within each...
+1.53 |
Assign the results of do.call using cbind to data frames
+0.34 |
access matrix by rownames and colnames, and return zero if not avai...
-1.32 |
Reshape by creating a new variable
-2.56 |
Compare column values against first row and retain original values...
-0.09 |
Conditionally Select Rows within a Group with Data.Table
+1.22 |
R sum two columns with condition on third column
-0.16 |
Create a decimal hour column from a half-hourly datetime
-0.17 |
Subtract even columns from odd ones in a data frame
+1.15 |
R appending multiple data tables to a list
0.00 |
When converting decimal date to julian with %j strptime, how do you...
-0.11 |
Find variable combinations that makes Primary Key in R
+0.68 |
making 1000 contingency tables in R
0.00 |
Obtaining slopes, intercepts, and coefficients of determination fro...
-0.46 |