Title |
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Understanding Poly-time Reduction/NP-complete
0.00 |
Is topological sort of an original graph same as dfs of the transpo...
0.00 |
How would I jump from one component to another in this undirected g...
0.00 |
Combining a list of things, two things at a time, trying every comb...
0.00 |
Why doesn't this algorithm find the longest path in a directed...
0.00 |
Why is BFS more efficient than DFS in this scenario?
0.00 |
When would you use Selection sort versus Merge sort?
0.00 |
Why is my inherited method outputting Base class' member instea...
+0.22 |
Asymptotic bounds and Big O notation
0.00 |
Finding a recurrence relation for this recursive function?
0.00 |
Getting error : the request for member 'at' in 'data...
0.00 |
Why do dynamic arrays specifically double in size when running out...
+0.88 |
Implementing pattern matching in a trie tree
0.00 |
Function that counts number of names in a tree that are greater tha...
-0.26 |
Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) algorithm variation
-0.73 |
Comparison based sorting is WC min time nlogn, so what about best/a...
0.00 |
Casting a pointer as lvalue
-1.00 |
Ambiguating new declaration of 'void visualizar()'
0.00 |
Why all NP-complete problems can be reducible to 3-SAT?
0.00 |
Theoretical computer science: is this problem related to vertex cov...
0.00 |
DFA to RE conversion but what if init and final state same?
0.00 |
Detecting a cycle from tree's roots in an undirected graph
0.00 |
Create Directed Acyclic Graph from Undirected Acyclic Graph given &...
0.00 |
How L = {a^n b^m | n,m>=1, n != 3m} is not regular?
-3.04 |
Euler Circuit in a Directed Graph
0.00 |
How to understand the recursiveness of this function?
0.00 |
Is it possible to predict future 2FA values given older values with...
0.00 |
Calculating the Recurrence Relation T(n) = sqrt(n * T(sqrt(n)) + n)
+0.56 |
Loop to check whether one of two characters was entered runs forever
+0.23 |
std::move a variable that is going to be overwritten
-0.34 |
Is there a way to optimize KMP algorithm to involve the character w...
0.00 |
Find best path by arbitrary weight function?
0.00 |
Binary search with two middle (two pointer) at same time
0.00 |
A undirected, weighted graphhas a unique minimum spanning tree. Nam...
0.00 |
Consequences of positive matches in bloom filters
-0.27 |
Largest k elements in array under contraints
0.00 |
Best algorithm for maze solving?
0.00 |
Optimal way to transfer account's balance between people
0.00 |
What is the name of this data structure search algorithm?
0.00 |
JSON Validation Expecting '}', ',', ']', go...
0.00 |
A set of vertices is a vertex cover if and only if its complement i...
0.00 |
Finding Minimum Nodes in AVL Tree without recursive call?
0.00 |
Question Regarding Non-Terminal On Bottom Up Parsing
0.00 |
Iterate C char array of size 100000 takes huge time
+1.29 |
Big-O Complexity of Two Problems
0.00 |
Finding all intersection points in a group of line segments?
0.00 |
C++ : unallocated pointer to object can be repeatedly safely derefe...
0.00 |
With the -Ofast flag on gcc, does breaking down a math expression a...
0.00 |
Can make_shared occasionally create duplicate pointers?
-2.49 |
Why isn't "new" used while making the current variabl...
+0.27 |