Title |
Δ |
Why this XPathSelectElements() returns false?
-0.60 |
How to get list of installed input languages (keyboard layouts)?
0.00 |
C#: Rename/replace duplicates in list with an added number
0.00 |
foreach multiple times and display two arrays
+0.31 |
XmlTextReader.Read() does not read all lines
0.00 |
Json.net serialize only certain properties
+1.28 |
Regular expression match between string and last digit
-0.97 |
Catching an exception thrown in a Thread
+1.46 |
Get values from jToken
0.00 |
Is it possible to use a foreach to make new objects inside an IEnum...
-0.19 |
cannot implicitly convert type string to int, enum
+1.31 |
Splitting Array into new arrays and printing them with spaces
-0.18 |
Create modeless child form in C#
+0.74 |
how to print every subdirectory, but every subdirectory should be t...
+0.91 |
In C#, how can I get the output of a process as string while also t...
0.00 |
Finding a lowest value in a list by name
-0.34 |
HtmlAgilityPack DocumentNode.ChildNodes returns empty nodes
0.00 |
c# files downloaded with httpwebrequest and cookies get corrupted
0.00 |
Newtonsoft's JObject: read any property using a string expression
0.00 |
How to create an index file without adding the files with the same...
+0.32 |
HtmlAgilityPack search url link
0.00 |
Using COM objects for browser automation .net
0.00 |
Output how many duplicates in an array c# - Beginner
-1.38 |
How to convert a JArray to a JObject?
0.00 |
How to Deserialize a JSON string on serverside
+0.29 |
How to change key from json or an anonymous object in c#
0.00 |
Delay in a task
0.00 |
Remove multiple keys with same value data from dictionary in C# usi...
-2.63 |
Line erased when i write a new line to a .txt file - Windows Forms
+0.31 |
Call a function and her params in other params function
+0.29 |
Awaiting a Callback method
0.00 |
Get string that matched with Any in LINQ
+0.71 |
C#, how to save frequency of elements from one array in another, tw...
-0.19 |
Resize PictureBox width and keep aspect ratio
0.00 |
break [brackets] parse json in c#
0.00 |
Iterating over dynamic json properties using c#
0.00 |
How to connect a TcpClient while blocking the thread up to a specif...
0.00 |
How to get specific value after parsing an XML?
0.00 |
get random point on a unit circle circle at (0, 0)
-1.56 |
Efficiently converting a string to a byte array in C# (Not with Enc...
0.00 |
C#: Convert int to char, but in literal not unicode representation
+1.12 |
How parse JSON to C# and then correctly get data or why my method d...
0.00 |
encoding binary to DNA sequence inC#
-0.19 |
Read, delete, and write to file while locking via FileShare FileSha...
0.00 |
Parse WwwAuthenticate challenge string
0.00 |
Json to C# Deserialize - Property name is an int - how to fix?
0.00 |
UWP, loading csv file with correct encoding
0.00 |
Deserialize and get xml having 2 attributes with different ID
+0.31 |
Parsing JSON list to int array in c#
+1.76 |
How do I change user text input to PascalCase?
+1.57 |