Title |
Δ |
Find groups that contain all elements, but do not overlap
+0.68 |
dplyr rolling change multiple columns based on multiple columns
0.00 |
simplifying R code using dplyr (or other) to rowSums while ignoring...
-0.13 |
Ramp up/down missing time-series data in R
-0.13 |
Convert decimal number double to hour, time, or difftime in R
+0.85 |
Find the time lag between two series
0.00 |
Rolling window with dplyr to find value of factor
0.00 |
Limiting a linear model to 3rd level interactions in R
+1.35 |
Split date periods by months and add rows in case of necessity
+1.40 |
Iterate through time interval
0.00 |
pass objects to nested functions using environments
0.00 |
R - How to covert a long format dataset to a matrix that has multip...
-1.28 |
Fill in trailing variables based on row position using rollmean
0.00 |
insert a sign (eg., +) between elements of vector
0.00 |
Conditionally modifying behaviour of parent function
0.00 |
Filling missing dates in a grouped time series - a tidyverse-way?
-0.62 |
Averaging the value with respect to time
+0.35 |
If rowSums greater than one, divide by sum
+1.42 |
dataframe in R: lookup multiple strings in a cell that are separate...
+1.74 |
List of quosures as input of a set of functions
0.00 |
Collapse only some variables long to wide format in R
+2.69 |
Return vector of length n to test of length 1, (or different shape...
0.00 |
Change date variable to continuous month
+0.01 |
Programmatically detect function calls in R formulae, e.g. y ~ x +...
+0.38 |
How to split letters with bracket and numbers in R?
-0.55 |
R: summarize, drop columns change name of dataframe in a list and s...
-0.06 |
Generating a pdf document for every row
+0.42 |
Sample n consecutive dates from a random starting date for each ind...
-0.82 |
R function scope: want to see the return value on next iteration
+0.20 |
Formatting as.Date as monthly to merge tables
-1.58 |
Access aggregated data using values rather than indexes
-2.59 |
Split string of a data frame in new columns
-0.99 |
r - lapply, ifelse and trying to compare row vs previous row in one...
+1.65 |
Parsing names in mixed formats using R
+1.45 |
When to use which()?
+0.38 |
R / Rolling Regression with extended Data Frame
0.00 |
Difference between [] and $ operators for subsetting
+0.39 |
why solve(eigenvalues, eigenvectors) of cov are different for 2d an...
0.00 |
Getting regression coefficients for all list elements without using...
+1.08 |
Running R via terminal in Windows and leaving R session open
0.00 |
Ifelse statement with dataframe subset using date
0.00 |
Create a one-row dataframe where every column is the same as an exi...
0.00 |
Calculate factors across columns in R
+0.94 |
R: Best way around as.POSIXct() in apply function
+0.95 |
create function to name objects in R using existing character vector
-0.62 |
Find the best model exponent of the observed data R
0.00 |
Adding name of individual data frame to new column in merged data f...
0.00 |
R: Monthly bins based on source date ranges
+0.39 |
Comparing between groups in grouped dataframe
-0.42 |
Making a list of zeros and ones from a large list
+1.59 |