Title |
Δ |
Choosing the second object in a line in vim
+0.29 |
What is the best text editor in Mac os like gvim in linux
0.00 |
Creating ctags extension for markdown
0.00 |
Vim interrupted after shell command
0.00 |
Vim variables, expandtab and noexpandtab, one exists and the other...
+0.99 |
How do I map a keybinding to a command?
+2.22 |
Replace pwd with USER in a file
-0.07 |
VIM: Browse for symbol? how?
0.00 |
Vim - yank 2nd word of line and append to end of line, multiple times
-0.87 |
How to execute a calculation in python and capture the output?
+2.23 |
Pasting in vim on tmux returns this error: E353: Nothing in registe...
-0.09 |
Highlight single character in a line for f/F/t/T in vim?
-0.44 |
How to increment integers on the current line by 1
-0.71 |
c++, cscope, ctags, and vim: Finding classes that inherit from this...
-0.10 |
Vim: issue regarding copy and paste across different buffer
+1.52 |
How to include a file from .gitignore using git-clone?
+2.38 |
Open next file in VIM
+1.14 |
Is it possible to do something like `:normal :` to enter command li...
-0.09 |
Vim Home Row Navigation Not Scrolling But Directional Arrows Do
-0.09 |
Cannot remove right scrollbar in Vim
0.00 |
vim surround extension install problems
0.00 |
Under spf13-vim, how to jump to next item in the loop
0.00 |
Editing part of file matching <pattern> only in vim
+0.39 |
how to configure vim to delete buffer after pressing ctrl-T?
0.00 |
Vim unwanted jump to end of file after write
+2.29 |
Edit text in tag to become a new tag
0.00 |
Vim - in HTML files, is auto indenting the closing tags possible?
+0.41 |
Remove all occurrences of a list of words vim
-1.86 |
Differences between several vim tags plugin
0.00 |
Regex to match functions and function calls, but excluding JavaScri...
0.00 |
vim: setting mouse cursor, line number and clipboard copy without l...
+0.42 |
How do you uninstall Pathogen for vim?
0.00 |
vim - move cursor in insert mode without arrow keys
-0.30 |
substituting multiple possible patterns using OR in vim search
+0.47 |
Indent n rows n times
+0.23 |
how to save python session input and output
-2.28 |
What functionality does the "g?" command provide in vim
-1.68 |
yank all lines and paste at the end Vim
-0.47 |
PhpStorm and IdeaVim - shortcut to complete line?
-1.90 |
How to join lines adding a separator?
-1.25 |
Regular expression of substitution using vim
-2.27 |
Is there a Vim color scheme that matches Sublime's default Mono...
0.00 |
How to switch focus between buttons in MacVim's 'file chang...
0.00 |
multiple copy buffer profiles for vim?
+0.40 |
Pathogen not recognizing syntax files of bundles
-0.10 |
How to switch to the tab where I'm working on a particular file?
0.00 |
How to make 'intelligent' key mappings in Vim?
-1.82 |
How do I paste multiple lines into the chicken scheme interpreter?
0.00 |
How to change the color of the left gutter in VIM?
-1.77 |
Installation of MacVim to use gvim
-0.18 |