Title |
Δ |
How to correctly set PATH in gvim?
0.00 |
How to edit blocks in vim without visual block mode
-0.90 |
Systemverilog Support in tagbar plugin
0.00 |
Lookup an action in Vim by name
+0.49 |
Vim :Ag search and replace, globally and within a directory
+0.42 |
In VIm, how to remove all lines that are duplicate somewhere?
+0.56 |
How do I configure vim to set softtabs conditionally?
-1.48 |
What is the meaning of a <CR> at the end of some vim mappings?
+1.25 |
What application is this (screen shot) gvim + addons?
+0.45 |
How can a buffer be duplicated in Vim?
+0.41 |
Why doesn't vimtutor claim match reality?
0.00 |
Looking for a Vim plugin (alternative to ST2's AdvancedNewFile)
0.00 |
How do I indent entire file by n spaces in VIM?
-0.60 |
How do you change the root of the netrw tree in vim?
-0.25 |
Changing the color of the indentation level in Vundle
0.00 |
Input h, j, k, l in gtk applications with vi style keybindings
0.00 |
Update OSX Vim using MacVim
+0.18 |
How do I create Vim syntax highlighting rules that are common to al...
+0.46 |
use search in "browse oldfiles" list?
-1.11 |
Sublime Text Shortcut with arguments (Cut from, Paste to)
0.00 |
Vim startup errors (invalid expression) Debian
-1.68 |
How to make CtrlP's search directory change according to NerdTree's...
0.00 |
Vim command for switching window
0.00 |
Loading google.vim indent file in Vim
0.00 |
Vim plugin which uses the compiler Include to jump to function, and...
+0.37 |
vim quickfix avoid buffer change
+2.06 |
Mapping has unintended effect
+1.68 |
Check if Vim is editing a remote file or a local file with Vimscript
0.00 |
Linux VIM : Omnicppcomplete + supertab use bash color theme
0.00 |
NERDTree on windows
-0.06 |
set tmux/R window background color when using Vim-R
0.00 |
How to disable the auto-complete feature on periods
0.00 |
Compile vim with python 2.0 support
-0.06 |
Vim block-yanking until a certain character and block-paste in same...
-0.57 |
Passing line number from vim to external command
0.00 |
Vim: "f" breaks my mapping when it can't find a character
-0.82 |
Vim: "f" breaks my mapping when it can't find a character
+2.18 |
Make vim more verbose (make keystrokes visible)
0.00 |
gVim how to set guifont bold attribute
0.00 |
error while running "source .vimrc"
+0.44 |
vim map of <Bar>, \|, ^V(c-v c-v), and <NL>(c-v c-j)
0.00 |
How to append some command output at the end of each line in a Vi f...
+0.15 |
Questions about installing spf13-vim on Windows
+0.14 |
Unable to automatically source custom Vim files
-0.05 |
How to copy/yank only the current word which has only alphanumeric...
+1.84 |
vim set tags with absolute path
0.00 |
Locally installed VIM Syntax not loading
0.00 |
vim + tmux visual mode not highlighting
0.00 |
Vim autocmd runs erroneously on readonly
0.00 |
Move text to other split
0.00 |