Title |
Δ |
What does stateless RESTful API actually mean?
-1.20 |
How to send a 'GET' request with a lot of data and keep it...
-1.74 |
How to refactor business logic to a third-party service call in a d...
-1.92 |
What is a REST API?
0.00 |
Multipart/form-data and RESTful architecture?
0.00 |
Can a restful api return a page as a response?
-0.10 |
DDD - Change entity inside aggregate
0.00 |
Path params vs query params when the endpoints are very similar
-0.61 |
Should I create separate endpoints for bulk CRUD operations REST?
0.00 |
What status code should I use if old password doesn't match whi...
0.00 |
How low-contention transaction related to Aggregates in DDD?
0.00 |
Designing a rich API which handles both delete and update
0.00 |
Partial object on HTTP GET
-0.61 |
Is there a elegant way of putting domain validations inside domain...
0.00 |
REST: which HTTP Status for rejecting method on current state of re...
0.00 |
HTTP status code for "your password did not meet requirements&...
0.00 |
Restful business logic on property update
0.00 |
DDD entity with complex creation process
-0.11 |
What is rest API methods - COPY, HEAD, OPTIONS, LINK, UNLINK, PURGE...
0.00 |
RESTful API, query params on PUT
-2.14 |
Put VS Post VS Delete In Rest API
0.00 |
Creating Command Inside a Domain Event Handler In CQRS
0.00 |
What returning when coding a REST API that finds no value?
+0.98 |
How to achieve idempotency in a POST method that you do not control?
0.00 |
Suggested HTTP status code for specific API scenario?
-0.61 |
using HTTP Location header to indicate the location of a future res...
0.00 |
Is it OK to inject service/API client to aggregate root?
+1.22 |
REST API - Design a POST API - if its called multiple times for a s...
-0.10 |
Handling region in a restful manner
0.00 |
Making sure you don't add same person data twice using EventSou...
+0.38 |
Kafka + Streams as Event Store in a CQRS application - Command Mode...
-0.27 |
How to avoid coincidental test passing
+0.39 |
Is it a good practice to use 'createModel' in REST?
+0.68 |
Is it bad practice to return a String literal instead of a Value Ob...
0.00 |
Concurrency control in REST APIs
0.00 |
How to design domain driven design application service for aggregate?
0.00 |
REST naming conventions JOIN
-0.11 |
API REST : 414 Request-URI too long using GET
0.00 |
HTTP header to return server available content types
-1.52 |
Which http status code for 'entity not found'?
+0.39 |
DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Aggregates, Related Aggregates, and pers...
0.00 |
Body of delete request is empty in my rest api endpoint
0.00 |
How to handle the response redirection in REST APIs?
0.00 |
How do APIs receive the request's method, body, and headers?
0.00 |
What is the best practice to use UUID with RESTful URL standards: /...
0.00 |
Should the Read side of an event-sourced or CQRS application return...
0.00 |
REST, multiple paramters in the URL will reach URL char limit at so...
-0.14 |
REST API Design for Save action that also has optional side effects
0.00 |
Identifying bounded contexts for meal planning app
0.00 |
How to handle Multiple PUT and PATCH request at the same time
0.00 |