Title |
Δ |
efficient way to extract conditional data by group from data.table,...
0.00 |
How to select the first n rows of each group in specified columns (...
+0.65 |
Non-equi join using data.table: column missing from the output
0.00 |
data.table speed is slower when assigning a column
+1.28 |
categorize based on date ranges in R
+0.46 |
In R, looking for better way to get the max value out of subgroups...
+0.33 |
Calculate a team's lead at regular intervals based on scoring d...
+0.56 |
Compare and merge two dataframes
-0.34 |
Select range ID with the highest score using foverlaps in R
+0.29 |
How to compute the mean in different categories using left_join and...
-1.91 |
data.table grouping separately on numeric and text variables
0.00 |
Change values for a random selection of a data.table subset
-0.96 |
Map Value based on Specified Intervals
0.00 |
Fitting different models to each subset of data in R
-0.14 |
Match and replace columns of dataframe by multiple conditions
0.00 |
R: Matching on closest date (efficiency issue)
+0.28 |
R - merge and update primary dataset
+0.75 |
Fill in the same value for each row by group in R
+1.72 |
Cumulative sum base on the value of different columns in the same r...
-0.46 |
Create cumulative counter variable per-user, with multiple conditions
+0.31 |
Shift a column of lists in data.table by group
0.00 |
Fill the same value for each group in R
-0.81 |
Joining 2 datasets and creating new rows where matches are found
-0.08 |
Replacing impossible values with NA using R's data.table
+1.42 |
Check of microbenchmark results fails with data.table changed by re...
0.00 |
Combine datasets by date range and categorical variable
-0.21 |
Comparing two dataframes based on a condition
-2.84 |
Remove duplicated rows (based on 2 columns) in R
+0.28 |
R data.table - how to interpolate missing values over FIXED rows in...
0.00 |
How to remove rows from a dataframe that have overlapping start and...
+0.31 |
joining 2 data tables without any keys, but with some logical link
+0.25 |
left outer join in R with conditions
0.00 |
Join dataframes by id and overlapping date range
-0.47 |
Recast in R with sum+product
-0.26 |
Assigning 1 or 0 conditionally to a new column based on values from...
+0.31 |
R implementation to union of overlapping rectangles
0.00 |
Seeking a cleaner way to avoid nested if statements (with sapply)
-1.68 |
Looking for ranges in dataframe values
+0.62 |
How to erase rows in a data frame R
-1.51 |
match with an interval and extract values between two matrix R
+0.77 |
How to speed up this conditional join (for-loop is slow)?
0.00 |
Identifying start and end dates for medications with overlapping re...
-0.70 |
Couple the data in all possible combinations
-1.77 |
R: Efficiently find the correct range my value fits in
0.00 |
Counting rows based upon conditional grouping with dplyr
-0.20 |
Error in selecting rows with "!" operator in data.table
+1.24 |
R data.table Multiple Conditions Join
0.00 |
dplyr - arrange, group, compute difference in dates
+0.53 |
How do you change the data table rolling join condition from weak i...
0.00 |
efficiently subsetting data.table multiple times
-0.52 |