Title |
Δ |
Keep only "cluster" with the highest number of elements
-3.93 |
removing decimals in R
+0.92 |
Return first occurring 2nd largest value in data frame rows using c...
+1.75 |
How to replace letter with number?
0.00 |
comparing 2 columns in a data-frame and creating a new column in da...
-0.14 |
Subsetting a dataframe with the "and" condition (R)
+3.92 |
How to search dataframe for partial matches and sum separate column...
+3.69 |
R: How to replace a dot between two characters in a string
-2.90 |
Create a pairwise distance matrix from the centre to sample points
0.00 |
Create multiple columns in R based on other column
+4.21 |
Finding which matrix row has the highest column sum
+4.06 |
extracting numbers of certain length from list
+3.74 |
How to create a new column (variable) out of the results in existin...
-1.39 |
Count repeated words in a column using R
+3.79 |
How to perform multiple operations for each column in matrix in R w...
-1.53 |
word frequency counter in r using n-gram
0.00 |
How to count the number of a specific digit in each cell in R
0.00 |
how to rearrange even columns based on odd columns which are ordere...
+4.12 |
Detect change from previous column in a dataframe to new output
+0.23 |
R - count number of items in a piped list
+4.32 |
Replace values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12,...,72 with 01,...
0.00 |
Extracting specific strings patterns from one column
+5.26 |
Find value and replace in r
+2.16 |
renames colnames with pattern matching
-3.58 |
Re-Populate column in a relational data frame after randomization i...
0.00 |
Transform column values into individual columns in R
+4.43 |
R - Conditional lagging - How to lag a certain amount of cells unti...
0.00 |
fill in NAs in one dataframe with data from another, two id variables
-1.68 |
Sort Categorical Data From other sorting data in R
0.00 |
Adding columns that are results of (contextual) text mining operati...
+0.24 |
R lists of characters to one data.frame
+2.70 |
Find uniqueness in data frame withe rows NA?
+4.33 |
Find number of connections between nodes in igraph network in R
+0.32 |
How to match vector elements as a whole
+0.22 |
How do I create a function that matches on one column and then grab...
0.00 |
creating a new data frame with the counts by the grouped values of...
0.00 |
What is the equivalent of the LEFT plus FIND function in R?
+1.08 |
Data Transformations based on certain transformation criteria
0.00 |
Isolate text (path) in a vector if there are 4 different files avai...
-3.71 |
R aggregate function with two values
+0.50 |
Value At Risk function?
0.00 |
Is there a script/command in R or in cluster (terminal) to delete f...
-3.74 |
I need to give a similarity score to the elements in my dataset
+2.26 |
R aggregate rows of a data frame over multiple columns with differe...
-2.47 |
Split data frame and have new row numbers
0.00 |
Trim a character string until a specific character appears
+4.05 |
grep only exact matches from pattern
-4.01 |
stringsplit output as new colnames
-1.76 |
Hi , i have a text file and i need to find the term term co occurre...
0.00 |
R : compare datafame column to another dataframe column
+1.76 |