Title |
Δ |
Converting date strings into date objects using dashes instead of s...
0.00 |
Distinguish empty regexp matches from no matches in Haskell
-0.11 |
Delete <tr> whose id contains a specific symbol
+0.99 |
How to make CSS animation jank free?
0.00 |
Parsec start-of-row pattern?
+0.36 |
Javascript: assigning the second optional argument without assignin...
+0.36 |
Haskell - Decode message with pattern
-0.65 |
Mapping a function on a generator in JavaScript
-0.01 |
How can one mutate a state when returning an empty action
+1.78 |
How to repeat string and take parts of it in Haskell
+0.35 |
Reverse text in Javascript
0.00 |
Define concat function for Digits
-1.49 |
How to iterate over this array structure
+0.87 |
Trying to use ES6 to filter and flatten an array of nested objects
0.00 |
Add object key to each item in object array
-0.55 |
Shuffle an array by sorting in javascript
+2.44 |
Replacing nested FOR loops using recursion or any other solution
-0.64 |
JavaScript time delay
0.00 |
Function returns empty array instead of arguments object when calle...
0.00 |
Why is this Java 2D array not throwing IndexOutOfBoundException?
+1.11 |
Reduce existing values in an array of objects to single object
+0.06 |
Convert a string that has '√' to one than can be given to e...
0.00 |
simple example of monad that takes integers
+1.00 |
How do I get the same output using the closure concept
+0.42 |
Javascript Regex to match standalone S without matching apostrophe S
-2.65 |
Java List Pair sorting and printing
0.00 |
How do I implement abstraction and generics in java?
0.00 |
What does it mean by saying "Comparable affects the original c...
0.00 |
How about a higher-order function called struggle?
-1.57 |
How to fill an array of strings with letters using loops in Java?
+0.90 |
Regular Expression for repeating letters false and true?
+1.63 |
Mapping over an array of objects without affecting all object fields
+1.57 |
javascript array assign to multiple variables
-0.75 |
Count string starting with vowels without using loops
0.00 |
Printing unique elements repeated more than once
0.00 |
How to add more visible images to my JS loop
-0.65 |
Monad vs Monad transformers
0.00 |
ES6 to basic javascript
0.00 |
Parser in Haskell for Triples
0.00 |
How to substring a String containing 4 bytes characters?
0.00 |
Haskell How to generate all possible Palindromes
+0.41 |
How can the lack of return type polymorphism in untyped languages b...
-2.08 |
How do I read N lines in a file with Haskell?
+0.36 |
How to read stdin in a Haskell program with command-line arguments?
-0.67 |
How can the collection be accessed during a Ramda map?
-0.39 |
Loop through 2 number ranges on javascript
-1.21 |
Java 8 check a hashmap equality of its keys to a list containing ke...
0.00 |
Haskell - tree with two variables in each node
+0.77 |
Java Variable Substitution
+1.68 |
Java - Indented list from a tree
+0.34 |