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1541.32 (11,168th)
13,064 (11,128th)
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Title Δ
Wrong controller action in rails form with link -0.05
rails - how to make nested route with ancestry 0.00
How to organize directories and files for nested class -0.07
Creating a "Users" show page with Devise +0.43
Associating new model with user id 0.00
Rspec assigns fails on adding more code -0.03 vs in Ruby -0.58
What are the differences between 'self' in ruby and 'th... +0.43
How to convert time with timezone in ruby +1.34
rails asset-url from javascript css -0.56
How to use other subclasses in a method 0.00
access array within array and map values -0.70
Rails, duplicate code refactoring +0.44
Error for ln18 translation 0.00
is there any difference in using instance variables in a Rails cont... +0.45
How do I get values from a ActiveRecord CollectionProxy? +0.44
How to select all users except ids +0.19
How to write joins Rails ActiveRecord_Relation? 0.00
Why is the size of this Hash of arrays 0? -0.70
ruby uniq with replacement +0.50
What's the best way to iterate through this structure in Rails? -0.02
Force-disabling cookies in Ruby on Rails 4 (European Union Legislat... -0.56
Ruby not inputting text in text field from excel file -0.54
Ruby on Rails each do method. +1.70
Rails soft delete with has_many association -0.07
Query a model to include the sum of related transactions 0.00
rails add object in javascript url -0.05
rails 4 how to configure ckeditor 4.1 0.00
.Try vs && performance 0.00
current_user set to nil in rails / devise 0.00
Rails/ActiveRecord has_many through: association on unsaved objects +0.28
Pass attributes to method jquery and rails +0.37
Ruby JSON.parse gives unexpected token error -0.56
Passing a block as an argument -1.82
adding a new column in a rails database migration -0.31
Refactor method that combines an array of strings into a sentence +0.45
Include ActionController::Base outside of views directory 0.00
how create object from query with includes 0.00
Best way to get a list of parent IDs +0.43
Dynamic CSS generation doesn't work in Rails4 0.00
rspec to test whether ruby method returns an array 0.00
Concise way of reducing a Ruby array to the count of unique values? +0.80
Rails best practice: Handling multiple relations in a single contro... -0.06
Devise not current_user method? -0.07
ruby's <=> operator and sort method -1.02
How do I create a link/route directly to a scope? 0.00
Grab form data nested fields 0.00
Rails app with multiple user types and how to model database 0.00
Ruby run function calling each item in file 0.00
How do I make this JS Turbolinks friendly? 0.00