Title |
Δ |
EBCDIC to ASCII containing COMP types
-0.00 |
Syncsort Sum Fields=None not removing duplicates
+2.27 |
JRecord - Formatting file transferred from Mainframe
-1.00 |
JRecord - Formatting file transferred from Mainframe
+2.00 |
Write a file on mainframe server with ebcdic and packed decimal for...
0.00 |
Unpack Mainframe packed Decimal (BCD) with PHP
+0.51 |
StringTemplate to generate Cobol layout
0.00 |
spring batch and jrecord to generate ebcedic
0.00 |
conversion of a binary put in a comp -3 field Cobol
+0.49 |
Cobol REPLACING ALL pattern matching
-0.32 |
Decode a Binary Coded Decimal
+2.31 |
Does an else if statement exist?
-1.11 |
decimal position are not adding while converting mainframe copy boo...
0.00 |
FTP from Java application to mainframe dataset - issue with open/cl...
0.00 |
goback and GO TO paragraph
0.00 |
Can't reference generated-sources class outside of default pack...
0.00 |
How te read the size of a pds member using lminit,lmmfind..?
0.00 |
Read the size of the member of the pds
+0.30 |
Reading ISAM COBOL files using Pentaho DI
0.00 |
Formatting Cobol Output into a table
0.00 |
Finding Highest , Lowest and the Average in Cobol
0.00 |
Finding Highest , Lowest and the Average in a Cobol program
+0.34 |
Replacing a string in Google Protocol Data Buffers
+0.51 |
COMP-3 data unpacking in Java (Embedded in Pentaho)
0.00 |
Rexx questions and a an odd Error in REXX
+0.01 |
COBOL DATATYPE CONVERSION: Convert date in DDMMYY to a packed decim...
+1.33 |
How do I convert EBCDIC to TEXT using Hadoop Mapreduce
+0.01 |
Best Practice for Mainframe Testing Environment to create QA, UAT
0.00 |
DB2 to COBOL String Losing Line Feed and Carriage Returns
+0.25 |
How to convert a Simple Java String to EBCDIC with packed decimal f...
0.00 |
How To Read MVS System Catalog To Retrieve GDG Information?
-0.48 |
How can I copy load module using rexx?
-0.24 |
How To Read a Date in Java from a COMP-3 field in COBOL?
+2.23 |
How to sort a table in COBOL?
+1.46 |
Multiple desktop on Zos
+0.51 |
Parsing Cobol fields description from Java
-2.01 |
handling comp3 and ebcidic conversion in java to ASCII for large fi...
+0.08 |
Is there a way in REXX to pick the latest dataset in a group?
0.00 |
Bad syntax with my loop, but not throwing an error in COBOL
-1.72 |
Unable to get required output
0.00 |
what is the differnces between xctl and link in cics in term of sen...
0.00 |
How to print dataset content using Rexx
+2.26 |
Python group and sub variable (parent and child variable)
0.00 |
How can I increase the length of variable-length record beyond 32760?
-1.76 |
Java mapping for cobol display and unpacked numeric fields
0.00 |
convert cobol COMP data to ASCII
0.00 |
What is system completion code 806 abend while running JCL?
0.00 |
Lightweight tool to detect Encoding, Newline-type, Delimiter, Encap...
0.00 |
Environment issue in moving from protobuf version 2.4 to 2.5
0.00 |
Sorting a variable-length record, blocked, dataset
+0.27 |