Title |
Δ |
Detect Application is paused on click on home
+3.84 |
Show Backbutton in Toolbar using styles
+3.38 |
Recyclerview first item start margin
0.00 |
how to display location message in chat window same like whatsapp i...
+1.09 |
how to make a condition to data from json
+3.82 |
Is it possible to set GIF image on slider view(have four layouts)
0.00 |
Change SearchView backbutton in Android
0.00 |
android list add is not adding hashmap
-4.56 |
which layout i have to use to make design like shown below
0.00 |
Create ArrayList<String> from resource string-array
+0.64 |
Converting Stripe's creatToken into Kotlin
0.00 |
Passing List of Objects to Fragment
0.00 |
Disabling edittext searchview after user input
-2.31 |
RecyclerView Not Displaying - Android
-1.49 |
How do I pass the user to another activity on spinner item selected
+3.59 |
Confirm admob reward video was watched using a server
0.00 |
How to call method in android so able to run code
-0.17 |
Laptop Keyboard isn't detected by Emulator in Android Studio
-4.16 |
How to get data in notification FCM android
-0.17 |
How to call checkSelfPermission(android.content.Context,java.lang.S...
+3.84 |
how to disable dates till current date?
+3.74 |
How to remove title section from Dialog box in Android?
-0.34 |
how to stop text-speech when android app closed by user
0.00 |
How to use kotlin to define a android Application class?
-1.21 |
how to round only top two corners in my case
-2.82 |
OnResponse body is null and return 500 error code
0.00 |
EditText with TextInputlayout layout With hint and Border
0.00 |
API Call Requires 21 How to solve this error
-0.12 |
@Part in multipart sends the string parameters in double quote
-1.59 |
how to add some data to sqlite database or sharedPrefence when inst...
+3.77 |
Retrofit2: Trying to Post Object which has multiple objects in it a...
0.00 |
How to print json array from Response<ResponseBody> response...
-0.40 |
recyclerView.setOnScrollChangeListener not working
-4.16 |
java.lang.NullPointerException: while take photo
+1.07 |
Call function from activity to close the soft keyboard android
-1.63 |
Unable to perform POST request with retrofit android
0.00 |
How to change PlaceAutocomplete api key programmatically
-4.27 |
How to get the first and last concatinated string of the selected i...
+3.60 |
Set minimum or maximum date to Datepicker but this code do nothing
+3.85 |
GridView in android not populating
+4.01 |
Click event not working inside frame layout
+4.03 |
How can I remove the left space between back button and SearchView
+4.02 |
onBackPress method is not fire when dialog box is open
-1.40 |
How to split two background color using Constraint Layout?
+3.73 |
RecyclerView last item blinks every time an item is removed
-1.04 |
Setting Visibility of Floating Action Button in Fragment
+3.89 |
Second spinner not working
+3.89 |