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How to add month to date where number of month to be added will be... -0.54
Pyspark DD-MMM-YYYY (string format) to timestamp 0.00
How to add a sequentially incrementing column to spark data frame t... 0.00
how to pass value from one dataframe to another dataframe? 0.00
How to create a table on top of HDFS folders with subfolders and mu... 0.00
How to reference/choose a column in the current dataFrame +0.46
Convert spark dataframe into json files which contains array of json 0.00
pyspark dataframe get second lowest value for each row +2.00
Convert column of strings to dictionaries in pyspark sql dataframe 0.00
How to clean the data from CSV file 0.00
How to get the difference between two timestamps in scala 0.00
Convert hive console output to text or csv -0.51
NiFi Writing to HDFS Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can... 0.00
spark read csv into dataset and access the name of the source file +1.18
Databricks error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: scala.Predef$.refArra... -2.07
How to get a single value from a spark dataframe 0.00
Scala spark: Sum all columns across all rows 0.00
Pyspark merge multiple columns into a json column 0.00
Spark- consecutive pipe delimiters being read as one 0.00
How to schedule cron job to run everyday at 3 am in NiFi 0.00
Hive: Query to get max count per word per date 0.00
Pyspark Window function on entire data frame -2.35
Spark returns an array of null values when select sub-entities +0.43
Pyspark dataframe - how to choose only latest records for each group? 0.00
Pyspark - How to set the schema when reading parquet file from anot... 0.00
Nifi obtain filename from csv column value +2.00
How to aggregate using window instead of Pyspark groupBy +1.98
Parquet read from HDFS and Schema issue 0.00
How to import daily files and run them in databricks? 0.00
How to get Start and End date in PySpark? 0.00
creating dataframe from nested json 0.00
How to merge multiple Columns into MapType in Spark? +0.46
Modifying JSON Key Value Pairs In Nifi 0.00
Is .CSV file broken down and processed in parallel by Spark +1.93
Hive create table with SERDEPROPERTIES throwing error 0.00
Spark dataframe replace null values for different data types in scala 0.00
Parse different timestamp formats in spark 0.00
Adding file names from array in dataframe column in spark scala 0.00
When using AWS EMR Step Spark-Submit how to get it to accept a path... 0.00
How to convert String of date format "dd-MMM-yy" into Dat... 0.00
Add a new column in parquet and import into HBase 0.00
PySpark - select distinct rows based on max value from another column 0.00
Change column names of nested data in bigquery using spark 0.00
Hive - unable to compare two date columns in the same table 0.00
How do I programmatically append records to a hive table using a lo... 0.00
Convert string to date with date and time together in Hive +2.46
How can I cast a string in a format '' to a data... 0.00
Find average and total time between dates in a row string in pyspark? +1.22
Create a column with date which is 3 years in the past from the giv... -2.30