Title |
Δ |
Updating a 2d table of counts
-1.44 |
Function that ensures html start and end tags are correct
+0.43 |
scala how to write if else
+0.25 |
How to use traits to describe operators?
-1.75 |
Scala way to program bunch of if's
+1.05 |
Scala Swing: how to get child component form Borderpanel
0.00 |
scala: shortcut to specify different alternatives in a condition (o...
+1.92 |
Scala - can 'for-yield' clause yields nothing for some condition?
+1.27 |
Mapping sub-sets of parentheses to chars
-1.44 |
List[String] -> Vector[Vector[Char]]
-1.65 |
case class copy 'method' with superclass
-1.05 |
Purely functional data structures for text editors
+1.23 |
trying to avoid mutables in scala.. is this the right way?
-1.62 |
Does Scala optimize this code?
+0.12 |
Does scala have a "test-if-match" operator?
-0.65 |
Alternative to List.sliding?
+2.23 |
Working with scala collections - CanBuildFrom trouble
-0.44 |
Scala Swing Box Subscribes Multiple Events
-0.56 |
Scala List.filter with two conditions, applied only once
-0.29 |
Elegant way to sort Array[B] for a subclass B < A, when A extend...
+1.35 |
Is it possible to express the following in Scala "type test =...
+1.89 |
How to convert a Java TreeMap to a Scala SortedMap?
+0.47 |
how to understand class parameter in scala
0.00 |
How to get a subset of a map?
+0.45 |
How to populate a list of Strings with a separate List
-0.04 |
scala: define a Type that has defined a certain implicit
0.00 |
Strange Scala compiler warning
+1.88 |
Scala looping choice : functional looping vs traditional for loop
+1.40 |
Sorting a ListBuffer by Position
-2.07 |
Scala -- not a member of package
+1.96 |
custom Constraint in Play 2.0-scala?
0.00 |
Why does this piece of Scala code not compile?
-0.55 |
How can I access the last result in Scala REPL?
-1.84 |
Is there a Scala-way to get the length of a number?
+0.42 |
Split a big collection into smaller ones
0.00 |
Ordering with algebraic types in scala
+2.32 |
Are Scala "object" variables not visible from java?
-1.14 |
passing on default parameter in scala?
+0.37 |
scala class constructors and abstract types
-0.16 |
Filtering out keys of a map but keeping all values in scala
+0.46 |
Scala: Resolving ambiguous types for pattern matching
0.00 |
Combining Scala Option[Iterable[_]]
-1.65 |
how do I extract substring (group) using regex without knowing if r...
-0.70 |
scala: shortest way to convert List[ Tuple3[A,B,C] ] to Foo(A, B, L...
-1.31 |
scala, guidelines on return type - when prefer seq, iterable, trave...
-0.68 |
Scala and parameters of unapply function
-2.12 |
Java <-> Scala Collection conversions, Scala 2.10
+0.45 |
Interpreting a benchmark in C, Clojure, Python, Ruby, Scala and oth...
+0.71 |
Best way to compute a function on each element with incremental sha...
+2.33 |
Filtering a Scala Multimap and outputting as a list of Tuples
+1.02 |