Title |
Δ |
How to match double quote or single quote or unquoted with regular...
+1.80 |
De-serializing objects with serialized member classes
0.00 |
Regular expression pattern for content within HTML tags
-0.51 |
Issue with convering UTC time to particluar Time Zone
+0.55 |
Error: The process cannot access the file '...' because it is being...
-0.78 |
How to write this regular expression?
+2.23 |
Java Integer.ValueOf method equivalence in C# With Radix Parameter
+1.46 |
How do I convert nchar to string in C#?
+1.21 |
uplifitng return value error reporting to Exceptions
+0.46 |
foreach slower than build string on .cs?
+0.78 |
Linq: The "opposite" of Take?
-1.25 |
String.Split against FTP file
+0.92 |
Regex for floating point?
0.00 |
How to get last word inside slashes using Regular Expressions
-2.19 |
Why does C# not allow explicitly calling operators or property acce...
0.00 |
Finding Consecutive repetition of Elements in C# Array and Altering...
-1.01 |
How to give output string in threadstart?
+0.06 |
DateTime Difference in time and milliseconds
+2.05 |
How do I get the last segment of URL using regular expressions
-1.06 |
Echo newline in make script
0.00 |
How to better implement .NET IDisposable classes?
+0.58 |
How to uniquely identify a computer program?
-0.63 |
C# array get last item from split in one line
-0.60 |
Regex to see if ip starts with 156.21.x.x
+1.21 |
Linq orderby, can't work out how to use it
-0.61 |
Can I use templates dynamically?
-0.88 |
C# Static Dictionary Declare and Initialize in Abstract Class .NET...
0.00 |
Start a EXE file from a service and stop it by sending SIGBREAK
0.00 |
how to get specific file names using c#
-0.42 |
Connecting 2 Textboxes values temporarily
-0.03 |
Difference between these two lambdas?
0.00 |
How do I structure MVVM with Collections?
+0.24 |
Meta-regular expressions?
+0.75 |
Stop loop in class from another class
+1.91 |
C# Linq DB table to List of Lists
-0.68 |
How do I fix the followin XmlEncode Function?
+0.19 |
How to get the default value for a ValueType Type with reflection
-1.26 |
Replace selected characters in PHP string
-2.00 |
Create lucene indexWriter overhead?
0.00 |
punctuation ereg_replace preg_replace
0.00 |
regular expression and substitution
+0.15 |
Copy properties between objects using reflection and extesnion method
+2.33 |
C# ticks to datetime and format
0.00 |
No return keyword for this Function in Visual Basic .NET
-0.51 |
XML Document Parsing C#
+1.29 |
Export a string to csv
+1.07 |
Why is my update not persisting?
-0.26 |
Numeric Regular Expression Help
-0.35 |
Command-Line Compilation
-0.42 |
PHP Preg_replace: can't get the replace part to work, finding is fine
+2.11 |