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1502.91 (331,168th)
24,861 (5,147th)
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Title Δ
Spring MVC REST - Returning xml or json according to request conten... 0.00
Jsoup css selector code (xpath code included) +2.87
Log-in Webpage has hidden token that gets sent in a POST when submi... 0.00
How to perform JAXB2 marshalling of input request in REST with Spri... 0.00
AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding issue -0.25
Command line based HTTP POST to retrieve data from javascript-rich... -0.51
Java Encryption setup fails with InvalidKeySpecException 0.00
Need Java equvalent for 3DES decryption of PHP code 0.00
Do we need to add the verified CA in VM TrustStore when making conn... -0.26
How can I create 2 separate log files with one log4j config file? +0.54
C# / Java | AES256 encrypt/decrypt 0.00
My Code wont replace the html strings properly? +1.28
Getting Marshall result into String -0.50
how to translate curl -X post into java 0.00
transform dom node recursively using Java +0.51
Jsoup parse HTML including span tags 0.00
Tomcat6 response.sendRedirect() 404 error -0.24
How to find the application installed directory at runtime under we... 0.00
Finding html elements by id in Java code 0.00
Error: `error - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI is not hier... +0.50
Localizing a string containing list of names -0.50
Secure FTP using private key authentication in java -1.29
Java - how to get IP address automaticallly in JNLP file? +1.96
Restful web service without annotations? 0.00
Java - Use annotations and intercept methods? -1.34
JasperReports: access custom data source 0.00
Java: how to reference a non-static field of an outer class from a... +2.19
How to watch JMX Mbeans 0.00
Need help regarding sending SMS using java -1.22
Encryption using AES-128 in Java -0.05
how to retrieve XML data using XPath which contains namespace in Ja... +0.48
Any alternatives to the JAXB XJC-compiler reference implementation... 0.00
How to replace a tag with a space in a text file? +0.16
What would be the correct regular expression for extracting a href... +0.95
java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.Map +0.50
Finding out java options used by Java application +0.00
Spring Webflow | Different validate method per transition -0.49
Are there any alternatives to GSP (General SQL Parser)? -0.50
HTTP client for multithreaded application +0.52
Apache CXF: Consume XML POST payload with "application/x-www-f... 0.00
How to get the users account info from Wordpress into JApplet 0.00
Read in XML to file Java 0.00
How to set Content-Type correctly? +0.47
Does Spring allow get name of bean in factory method? 0.00
Jackson processor for java bean to json\xml serialization -1.34
debugging java application deployed in tomcat +1.39
Java proxy server which will monitor & log the traffic (HTTP, S... 0.00
Issues deploying application on websphere 7 0.00
How can I automate the XML Parsing using JDOM -1.75
Struts (Java), changing forward name for an action that takes input... 0.00