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Fill a dataframe by matching the values of a vector with colnames +1.16
Extraction LM stats into table 0.00
Ifelse statements and inline comments in Rmarkdown 0.00
One column transformation with multiple conditions with regular exp... +2.02
Removing the empty data spaces and retaining the uniform bar width... 0.00
How many days from the list were in given period [R] +2.19
Locate position of first number in string [R] -0.42
How to grep from patterns in one dataframe for another? 0.00
How to count which rows are meeting conditions in r? 0.00
How to use paths_allowed? 0.00
check if column have duplicates -1.41
How to conditionally select top value per group without comparing e... 0.00
R function for reformatting columns to rows indicating start and st... +0.74
My loop is not making the concatenation it should +1.48
Easy way to convert text columns to numeric +1.86
R while: mutate only groups in data.frame that do not match condition 0.00
How to set the second y-axis in ggplot without rescaling? 0.00
How to calculate weighted mean using mutate_at in R? 0.00
R; separate columns with comma into rows +1.99
Set maximum and minimum values for matrix in R +1.73
Create a sequential number within each group 0.00
How can I filter for most recent occurrence within a time window? +1.48
Ts objects in R 0.00
Find products of digits in R -1.25
Create a dummy variable indicating whether a value is observed before +0.76
How to find column names based on column element in r +0.42
How can I plot the relationship between `Sepal.Length` and `Sepal.W... 0.00
How to plot boxplots on specific x-values in R? 0.00
How to replace column values with their label 0.00
Means based on column -1.73
Look up value in data frame stored over multiple columns 0.00
Iterate over the rownames of a column in r 0.00
please suggest code in R to create daily series by using ts command 0.00
How to check if a string is in datetime format in R? 0.00
NBA Seconds Left in Quarter Transform to Seconds left in Game 0.00
Is there a dplyr::filter() parameter equivalent to nomatch option i... 0.00
How to loop between columns to calculate the variables -2.31
How to match elements with a nested vector colum? 0.00
paste() function in R: what happens when the input is a character v... +0.38
How to replace substring values by matching reference values -0.53
Is there a function in dplyr/forcats to display count and percentag... -0.90
tidyverse function to `mutate_sample`? 0.00
Why apply sum by column and colSums differs when dataframe contains... 0.00
I cannot pipe a transpose() into a lapply in R 0.00
Linear regression with ongoing data, in R -0.12
Match string rstudio 0.00
Set variable within while statement 0.00
find number of columns that contain a value in data.frame with mixe... 0.00
Is there a R function which can undo cumsum() and recreate the orig... +1.06
merge multiple data.frames [r] 0.00