An Elo-based rating system for Stack Overflow
Answers and rating deltas for
SQL LIKE Performance with only the wildcard (%) as a value
Author | Votes | Δ |
Rob Farley | 10 | +1.04 |
outis | 4 | +0.60 |
David Aldridge | 2 | -0.08 |
Bryan Pendleton | 2 | +1.33 |
paxdiablo | 2 | -0.47 |
Chris Dail | 2 | +1.10 |
Paul Sasik | 1 | -0.97 |
Thorsten | 1 | -1.02 |
jqa | 0 | -2.73 |
Larry Lustig | 0 | -2.62 |
user130770 | -2 | -3.81 |
Last visited: Sep 14, 2014, 5:07:29 AM