Title |
Δ |
Week number of a quarter
+1.16 |
Using SUMIFS with Criteria as a List in a Cell Value
0.00 |
Nested Countif array formula referencing multiple workbooks and mul...
0.00 |
Excel formula doesn't work
0.00 |
Excel: How to extract only the 6 digit number present in a cell str...
-0.31 |
Use an array formula to calculate datedif on criteria
0.00 |
Nested IF statements in Excel using Dates
-0.06 |
Keyword Search using AND criteria embedded in INDEX
0.00 |
Excel - average, min, max and at 13:00 for each day
-2.10 |
Sumifs for rows and columns that are in an interval
+2.46 |
Apply Mode for Filtered Results
0.00 |
How to count unique/ distinct visible values in a filtered column,...
0.00 |
week number and year combination
+0.38 |
search and assign value based on text
-0.14 |
Excel formula to sum conditionally
0.00 |
Difference between SUMIF(Condition, Values), SUMPROD(Condition, Val...
+2.48 |
Small Function with Unique Criteria
-0.86 |
how to countif, if i want to conunt over 100% results in not a cons...
0.00 |
EXCEL: SUMPRODUCTS with operator
0.00 |
Excel - Conditional Formatting not detecting String with html tags...
0.00 |
Dealing with NULL time values in excel
0.00 |
Usage of SUMIF in Excel
-0.53 |
Excel - Create a countdown that ignores blanks; Take the minimum da...
+2.49 |
How can i calculate the average per hour?
+1.92 |
Excel Formula to count arguments in a sum
0.00 |
displaying only the workdays along with time in excel sheet
0.00 |
converting date in to second in excel
+1.33 |
Excel: Edit Column Data by Evaluating Data from Other Column with M...
+0.36 |
index, small, subtotal, returning multiple matches from filter cell
-0.15 |
Excel Match on Multiple Criteria with Characters Length > 256
0.00 |
SUMIF on row in table based on column criteria in different table
+0.38 |
Excel find the last negative number in row, return the number in ad...
0.00 |
Excel: DEC2HEX() wrong conversion !? How to fix or any other soluti...
0.00 |
Finding and adding together overlaps in dates from 2 different colu...
-0.52 |
EXCEL Formula: Multiply SUMIFS outcome with the corresponding row v...
0.00 |
Match function parts in Excel 2016
+1.57 |
What does the parameter in this formula in conditional formatting r...
+1.33 |
Excel Count Items
0.00 |
Why in this IF function, does Asterix (*) work but the AND function...
0.00 |
Sum values in different rows if they match
-0.68 |
Use If flexibly to get average
-0.59 |
Multiple IF AND Statments with 2 Possible Outputs
+0.20 |
Decile, Quintile, and Quartile from Class Rank and Class Size
0.00 |
COUNTIFS with greater than TODAY OR blank cell
0.00 |
Excell formula to find number 3 in column ah, then display the text...
-0.64 |
MS Excel 2016 Copy row(s) to a second sheet based on result of form...
0.00 |
Find Maximum of Array of Index/Match from Concatenated String
+2.53 |
How to automatically fill down by multiple?
-0.41 |
Count Number of Instances of string using FORMULATEXT
+0.39 |
Excel - Function to use in CHOOSE - Return list of values from range
+1.73 |