Title |
Δ |
Not able to drag a formula calculating days
-1.42 |
Why does an Excel Table function with IF filter with AND condition...
0.00 |
Summing the same number of cells in one row which are populated in...
0.00 |
Condense Repeated Excel Formula Cell References into one Cell Refer...
0.00 |
Array formula to return an ARRAY without duplicates, without VBA
+0.34 |
Excel: Applying functions to a range of ranges using multi-cell arr...
+2.56 |
finding the largest binary number from a range of cells
-0.38 |
How to count total items in a column, if header name is provided
+0.37 |
Ranking, treat a negative number as zero
-0.12 |
Average of values in Excel from different cells excluding zero
-0.12 |
Excel - roundup then subtotal?
+0.38 |
Soccer Results: Count wins when 4 or more goals scored by speciied...
-0.70 |
Can I use SUMPRODUCT to accomplish this?
+0.36 |
Count number of unique values in a column, only add if value in oth...
+1.94 |
excel date from week number and year
+1.76 |
SUMIF Similar Text
0.00 |
Use Cell info in a forumla
0.00 |
Count number of times specific text is in an array
+1.51 |
VLOOKUP is returning all NAs even though some values are located in...
-0.59 |
Adding and Subtracting Time in Excel
0.00 |
Get the nth absolute value in an array
+0.38 |
Excel calculation to roundup number but change to add 9.99 at end
+1.06 |
Counting uniques in a colunm that has blanks & zeros from previ...
+0.38 |
calculating dates in excel to return specific date
0.00 |
Excel very long IF AND nested formula not working
-0.11 |
How do I add 90 days to a date BUT find the closest Wednesday to th...
+0.39 |
Sum of Numeric Values In Alphanumeric Column
-1.02 |
What is the principle of sumproduct function in Excel?
+0.39 |
Convert days in decimal to years, months, days, hours, minutes and...
+0.43 |
Excel - How to conditional format a cell with a time format when it...
-0.27 |
Copy format of previous cell in conditional formatting
0.00 |
Calculate exact amount of hours between two timestamps in excel exc...
+0.41 |
Conditional SUM difficulty in Excel
-0.12 |
count with multiple crieria
0.00 |
Change excel formula syntax using indirect function
-0.60 |
Week number that overlaps between 2 years in excel
-0.27 |
AverageIf Moving Average
-1.42 |
How To Find The Highest Value And Return The Two First Adjacent Cel...
-2.23 |
How to use array formula to sum columns, then rows, then column in...
0.00 |
How to add another IF statement in Excel and If A1=2 Then round out...
-2.20 |
Formula to Assign whether a date is "In Business Hours" o...
+0.73 |
nested ifs with multiple sumifs based on changing criteria
0.00 |
Excel : Weeknumber within month with criteria
-1.31 |
Conditional AGGREGATE/Median in Excel 2010
-1.51 |
Excel - calculating average for which condition don't match
0.00 |
Get number of days for a month from given month and year EXCEL
-1.44 |
Sumproduct conditional array exclusion
0.00 |
Excel: Using ISBLANK in conjunction with IF statement
-2.26 |
using countsif to count items from rows if certain conditions in ot...
0.00 |
calculate holiday hours in excel
0.00 |