Title |
Δ |
Can I create a loop with a counter in xslt?
-0.89 |
Using glLoadMatrixd on specific vertices?
-0.38 |
Optimizing a shader (OSL GLSL2.0)
0.00 |
rotation and radians in XNA, Enemy Ai corrections
+3.82 |
Random number with no repetition
-2.17 |
What are Verts,NumVerts,Normals and TexCoords mean?
0.00 |
Fitting a surface to collection of 3D data points in java
0.00 |
Calculating y distance after 3d rotation?
0.00 |
Simpler way to compare pairs of bools?
+4.00 |
openGL pixel coordinate
0.00 |
Loading an OBJ file, how to use normals (#vertices < #normals)
0.00 |
OpenGL shader - overlaping multiple textures
+0.06 |
Low-level implementation of double value in Java and C#
0.00 |
0.00 |
Print a line 10 times in Objective-C?
+2.23 |
Vertex Array Performance Issues
+0.76 |
Strange square lighting artefacts in OpenGL
+4.39 |
AndEngine - prevent car collision, foresee collision
+2.03 |
How draw text over 3D point?
0.00 |
Single threaded game and rendering
+0.11 |
Algorithm for solving the game 'Pop it' in least steps
-4.02 |
Setting Parameters With SetValue is Giving me Errors, While Direct...
0.00 |
Issue with "An object reference is required for the non-static...
-3.28 |
colours in Vertex Buffer Objects - DirectX vs OpenGL
-2.83 |
OpenCV, C++: Distance between two points
-0.21 |
Convert OpenGL depth buffer to world-space z-distance from camera?
0.00 |
Tiled rendering of viewports bigger than GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS
+1.75 |
What is the most inefficient sorting routine?
+0.59 |
Rotating 6 sides of a block
0.00 |
algorithm to encode and decode 176 bit to 80 bit
+0.18 |
OpenGL texture atlas bleeding
+3.94 |
Calculate the XYZ point of a sphere, given a UV coordinate of its t...
+3.97 |
flickering while rendering a 3D object (.obj file) using OpenGL
0.00 |
Calculate top-left and bottom right of a Rectangle GIven Origin, Di...
-0.49 |
Advanced array sorting/re-arranging in Java
+4.10 |
Should entities have the capability to draw themselves?
+3.03 |
get specular reflection vectors
0.00 |
How to draw cube without indices?OpenGL ES 2.0
0.00 |
Find the sum of all the primes below two million
-2.48 |
Transforming a 3d plane by 4x4 matrix
0.00 |
Problems with changing the Orthogonal Projection Matrix
+4.49 |
OpenGL - Not Draw Completely Occluded Polygons?
-1.62 |
C++ Strong Random Number Generator - necessary?
-0.95 |
Slerp with more than two points
+4.23 |
Structure of C language
-1.89 |
OpenGL performing very slowly
+0.87 |
What is the best way of writing box-box ray collision detection in...
0.00 |
How should I optimize drawing a large, dynamic number of collection...
0.00 |
Having scanf in C return void instead of int
-1.17 |
Convert polygon to triangles
+2.38 |