Title |
Δ |
How to use for instead of flatMap/map in Scala?
-0.15 |
How to transform disjunction of Future to Future of disjunction
-1.08 |
Scala : exclude some Dates
+0.39 |
Infer one type parameter, but not the other?
0.00 |
Making Typeclass Instance with `implicit def`?
-0.70 |
Combine several functions with callback arguments
-0.10 |
Run scalaz tasks on custom pool (ExecutorService)
0.00 |
http4s - get request body as String or InputStream
0.00 |
How can I make function for unspecified number of arguments functio...
+0.42 |
Generically transforming a type in Scala
0.00 |
Kleisli[Future, Context, \/] to Kleisli[EitherT, Context, …]
0.00 |
Efficient and/or idiomatic way to turn Seq[Either[String, Int]] to...
-1.21 |
How to combine a kleisli with a conditional
0.00 |
Scala check a Sequence of Eithers
-1.48 |
Scala: Cartesian product between a variable number of Arrays
-0.40 |
How to map over a List using a function returning a Future?
0.00 |
Parsing XML as NodeSeq, how to read the root element name?
0.00 |
lift a value into a ValidationNel
-1.16 |
Is there a smarter way to do this with cats?
0.00 |
Scala (scalaz) State monad - map over Option state type
0.00 |
How to transform List[ValidationNel[A, Option[B]]]
0.00 |
Convert a ValidationNel[A, List[B]] into ValidationNel[A, NonEmptyL...
0.00 |
How should I join Option[Future[T]]?
+1.64 |
Scala, Tupler type back to an HList
0.00 |
Need help handling IllegalArgumentException in reactivemongo
+0.40 |
Scala: Partitioning by case (not by filter)
-0.07 |
How do you write a json4s CustomSerializer that handles collections
0.00 |
How does the distinct function work?
0.00 |
Why prepend behaves differently on a Seq depending on how you call...
+2.12 |
Scala @tailrec with fold
0.00 |
What is the simplest method to extract success from a list of Scala...
0.00 |
Type-level flattening of a heterogenous Tree
0.00 |
Using different monads if for-comprehension
+0.45 |
Type to capture either integer, float or a string value and then do...
+0.98 |
Monad transformer for Disjunction and Future
0.00 |
Scala - Count the number of occurrences of every key in an Iterator
-0.52 |
Dealing with Closures and Futures in Scala
0.00 |
Function with any number of arguments as parameter
0.00 |
How to modify this nested case classes with "Seq" fields?
-0.22 |
Why does a for-comprehension used with an extractor of type tuple r...
0.00 |
Distracted While Trying to Understand State Monad
0.00 |
Why adding third inputbox gives [NoSuchElementException: None.get]
0.00 |
Scala shapeless: derive type from Mapper
0.00 |
Apache Spark SQL NumberFormatException
0.00 |
Scala Mutually Convertible Generic Types
0.00 |
Deserializing complex JSON of Polymorphic Lists
0.00 |
Scala shapeless zip issue
0.00 |
Deserialization of case object in Scala with JSON4S
-0.61 |
access to a type's companion object
0.00 |
How to map multiple Futures and pass them as arguments to a view us...
+0.42 |