Title |
Δ |
match on two ADTs
0.00 |
Converting (Very) Complicated JSON objects to Scala Objects With Ca...
0.00 |
change return type of the superclass method
-0.59 |
How to handle future completion without explicit handling of non-Ex...
0.00 |
compose Try nicer
-0.25 |
Scala for comprehension with Future, List and Option
+0.40 |
Accessing a Single Value from Parsed JObject in Scala (Jackson, jso...
0.00 |
Scala copy method returning a different type parameter?
0.00 |
How to properly use future/actorSelection/resolveOne in Play app?
0.00 |
Equality of shapeless extensible records depends on field order
0.00 |
For a Scala map of key to a tuple, how to select (project?) a speci...
0.00 |
scala: programmatically changing functions
+2.03 |
Access both the success and the failure from an aggregated Validati...
+0.40 |
In Scala, what should be the type of a map from string to case clas...
+0.47 |
Scala: How do I get the current time in RFC 822 / 1123 format
+0.40 |
How to extract messages using regex in Scala?
+2.22 |
Scala Execute List of Futures Concurrently
+0.42 |
Implicit Conversion of Case Classes Issues
0.00 |
Which calls to unapply can be replaced with parentheses?
+3.23 |
How to order tuples based on another, referal tuple
+3.56 |
Generic implementation should return subtype depending on subclass
0.00 |
Scala compile errors: "No implicit view available" and &q...
+2.98 |
i18n, Messages object in every template necessary? Play Scala
0.00 |
mapping over HList inside a function
0.00 |
Returning an Ordered[T] from a method in Scala
-0.56 |
How to compose two different `State Monad`?
0.00 |
Escape characters in a dynamic List
0.00 |
How to denormalize a nested Map in Scala, with the denormalized str...
-0.56 |
Pattern Matching String Split $
+2.95 |
Specify subset of elements in Spark RDD (Scala)
+3.47 |
Implicit def with VarArgs
0.00 |
how to round up a number if its not an integer (scala)
0.00 |
Idiomatic Function Transformation of A => (B, C) to A => (C, B)
0.00 |
unclear why my in-scope implicit conversions are not accepted as ...
+3.48 |
Error handling Scala : Future For Comprehension
0.00 |
changing immutable variable values while serialization in scala
-4.75 |
Create a OptionT[Future, A] from a lower-kinded type
0.00 |
How to use Promise.timeout in play framework filter
0.00 |
Selectively uppercasing a string
+3.84 |
How apply scalaz.EitherT.fromEither to scalaz.\/?
0.00 |
Scala Futures and Promises Callback basics
-2.46 |
How to deserialize json with json-lenses
0.00 |
Wait for all nested Futures to complete
0.00 |
removing list formatting in spark
0.00 |
How do I get the actual value from this in Scala : Right(Vector(&qu...
-0.55 |
Scala: Consecutive id in set
+2.62 |
how to store object state before and after setting attribute values
+3.37 |
Efficient way to access maps inside maps and handle possible except...
+3.58 |
How to use group by using multiple keys?
+3.77 |
Transform Tuples to Array of Points
0.00 |