Title |
Δ |
Code to flag a square number is not working, why is this?
0.00 |
Prime numbers upto 10^8 using sieve
+0.19 |
Random Iteration order from Set.of(...)
-0.86 |
Almost the same statements, but different value
0.00 |
Collect as HashMap<String,String> from a List or Stream of ob...
0.00 |
Java print the recursion in main method
+0.20 |
Convert collection objects one type to objects another using Stream...
+0.22 |
How to convert multiple list into single list using Java streams?
+0.39 |
Variable binds to the object without having custom constructor?
+0.21 |
Convert two-dimensional ArrayList to two-dimensional array
0.00 |
Override a superclass method that is throwing an unchecked exceptio...
0.00 |
Collectors.reducing to List
+0.98 |
What will be the execution time in Big O notation in fnB?
+0.75 |
Best way to cast int(primitive) to Long(wrapper) in Java
-0.55 |
Java 8 streams - use reduce with alternative accumulator return type
0.00 |
Java generics incompatible types while subclassing
-0.65 |
Product of array elements except itself in Java8 without division
-0.65 |
Java Generics incompatible types for the exact same class
+0.23 |
How to justify Strings in java as reference type? check out the fol...
-0.30 |
Java - Convert List into Map & merge duplicate key data interna...
0.00 |
Nested for loop output not correct
-0.55 |
Can we access the static member of a class without initializing obe...
-1.20 |
Convert List<List<Object>> to Map<String,String>...
+0.96 |
Mapping few streams
0.00 |
Functional Interface , Functional Method and lamda?
-2.30 |
Java stream - map and store array of int into Set
+1.14 |
ArrayList, double contains
-0.00 |
Searching any item in a list from another list using Java Streams
-0.31 |
Find Max of Multiple Lists
+0.97 |
I am facing problem in using this constructor
+0.46 |
Java: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4?
0.00 |
how to find whether the given number is a factorial of some number...
+0.21 |
Arithmetic operator cannot be applied to IntStream
-1.29 |
Merge Two Lists based on a condition and push the result to a map u...
+0.70 |
Java Streams Collectors.toList() with map() vs mapToInt()
+0.19 |
Incorrect Linked List being returned when inserting element at firs...
0.00 |
Difference between implementation of functional interface, used alo...
-2.60 |
Interrupted statement in java lambda
0.00 |
Why builder lost type?
-1.49 |
Using, if applicable, the subclass' method
0.00 |
Java 8, Stream - Find the count of strings that have sum of digits...
-1.80 |
List to Map of List using java streams
-0.31 |
How is the argument understood at streams collect() in java 8
0.00 |
Why is this generic type not erasing to specified class
-2.84 |
please tell me why my output is coming zero
-0.32 |
Operator && cannot be applied to 'boolean', 'int
0.00 |
i++ and ++i in Java
0.00 |
How to remove leading zeros from Integer in Java?
+1.10 |
numeric type parse functions exception with negative numbers
+1.94 |
Collectors.toMap gives compilation error (String,List<String) is...
-2.23 |